
Sanctuary Right Teaching Team:

Helen Andersson

Brad Cruse

Carlos Schwantes

Sanctuary Left Teaching Team:

Brian Clark

Paul Moore

Mark Wilcox

Sabbath School Wing Teaching Team:

Charito Pattichot

What happens during Sabbath School?

Adult church members are provided with the Adult Bible Study Guide (formerly known as Sabbath School Quarterly) issued four times a year. It is also known as the "Quarterly" and the "Lesson". It is published by Pacific Press Publishing Association. Sabbath School quarterlies are Bible study guides that cover a specific topic or book of the Bible every quarter. The quarterly is designed to be read during the week, so that during Sabbath School, the class members are ready to discuss questions and topics raised in that lesson in small groups. The Adult Sabbath School always has a heavy focus on the Bible. All Seventh-day Adventists around the world use the same Sabbath school quarterly, translated into the necessary languages (with few exceptions such as Germany, where members cover the same topic with different material). As of 2012 the editor of the Adult Sabbath School lessons was Clifford Goldstein.

Additional Resources

Slideshows for Sabbath School